All Posts by

Terry M. Huffman

Showing 15 Result(s)

The Motorcycle Helmet Types They Fit Your Riding Style

Before considering the price range, brand, and color, the first step to the ownership of the helmet should be the choice of a type of cap. Not all helmets are equal, and specific designs serve specific purposes. There are six generally recognized types of motorcycle helmets, each with its purpose, advantages, and disadvantages. We’ve broken …


This Yamaha R1-Powered Bond Bug Is Looking for a New Home

What goes through your mind when you look at this custom Bond Bug from 1973? Probably a few things. Since we post about it here, clearly a type of bike engine is beautifully placed inside. You might think of Simone Giertz’s construction, which is totally correct. If you automatically imagine yourself to be a Robin …


Way To Keep Your Pet Bees Healthy

Beekeeping( beekeeping) can be a rewarding way to complement your food safety strategy. While providing your family with healthy honey, you also contribute to the pollination of food plants. Realistically, you are likely to experience health problems, especially if you do not work to prevent them. Although some preventive measures are specific to the location …


Alternative Therapies That May Benefit Your Dog

We love our dogs so much, and we can only thank modern technology for the medical procedures and medicines that help the US cope with the health problems they go through throughout their lives. Sometimes, however, many dog owners can’t help but worry about some of these conventional medical treatments. As in humans, the medicines …