The Polish film “Operation Hyacinth” takes place between 1985 and 1987, when the action of the secret police was applied. The cops were tasked with tracking down known or perceived homovenereals, including them in a database and often forcing them to sign confessions or extract others. Extortion and roughness were common tools used by officers …
Halloween Kills Review
My feeling during the 2018 reboot of David Gordon Green’s “Halloween” was that the talented director misunderstood what was working on John Carpenter’s Original and deprived the project of the real tension, despite some good lags. After seeing his follow-up “Halloween Kills,” I think I was right. This Film darkens its whole concept with a …
Review of Golden Voices Movie
In the charming and bittersweet Israeli film “Golden Voices” Vladimir Friedman and Maria Belkin embody Victor and Raya Frenkel, actors with a “Golden Voice” in the 60s, who earned their living by filming in the Soviet Union. The audience saw Kirk Douglas, Gregory Peck or Dustin Hoffman on the screen, but the Russian-speaking voice they …
Needle in a Timestack
“Needle in a Timestack” is based on a short story by the famous Science Fiction author Robert Silverberg, first published in the pages of the June 1983 issue of Playboy. Oddly enough, almost two decades earlier he published a collection of short stories of the same name, which, however, had no other connection with it. …